breed of dog thought to have originated in Germany. It grew so popular in France, however, that it became the national dog of that country. The poodle was developed as a water retriever, and the distinctive clipping of its heavy coat was initiated to increase the animal’s efficiency in the water. The breed has been used for such diverse undertakings as performing in circuses and hunting for truffles (scenting and digging up the edible fungus).
An elegant-looking dog, often ranked as one of the most intelligent of all breeds, the poodle has been bred in three size varieties—standard, miniature, and toy. All three are judged by the same standard of appearance, which calls for a well-proportioned dog with a long, straight muzzle, heavily haired, hanging ears, a docked pompom tail, and a characteristic springy gait and proud manner of carrying itself. The coat consists of a woolly undercoat and a dense wiry topcoat; if allowed to grow, the hair forms ropelike cords, and the dog is called a corded poodle. The coat should be solid, not variegated, and may be any of a number of colours, among them gray, white, black, brown, apricot, and cream. The standard poodle stands more than 15 inches (38 cm); the miniature is in excess of 10 inches (25 cm) and no more than 15 inches (38 cm); the toy is 10 inches (25 cm) or under. Weight variations range from as much as 70 pounds (32 kg) to as little as 7 pounds (3 kg). The standard and miniature poodles are classed by the American Kennel Club as Non-Sporting dogs, the toy as a Toy dog.
In the late 20th century, breeders began to cross poodles with other purebred dogs in what was called the “designer dog” fad; the goal was the incorporation into the offspring of the poodle’s intelligence and non-shedding coat. All sizes of poodles were crossed with other breeds, resulting in such mixed breeds as the Labradoodle (Labrador retriever + poodle), schnoodle (schnauzer + poodle), and Pekepoo (Pekingese + poodle). However, many poodle breeders deplored the trend and regretted the dilution of carefully managed bloodlines.
An elegant-looking dog, often ranked as one of the most intelligent of all breeds, the poodle has been bred in three size varieties—standard, miniature, and toy. All three are judged by the same standard of appearance, which calls for a well-proportioned dog with a long, straight muzzle, heavily haired, hanging ears, a docked pompom tail, and a characteristic springy gait and proud manner of carrying itself. The coat consists of a woolly undercoat and a dense wiry topcoat; if allowed to grow, the hair forms ropelike cords, and the dog is called a corded poodle. The coat should be solid, not variegated, and may be any of a number of colours, among them gray, white, black, brown, apricot, and cream. The standard poodle stands more than 15 inches (38 cm); the miniature is in excess of 10 inches (25 cm) and no more than 15 inches (38 cm); the toy is 10 inches (25 cm) or under. Weight variations range from as much as 70 pounds (32 kg) to as little as 7 pounds (3 kg). The standard and miniature poodles are classed by the American Kennel Club as Non-Sporting dogs, the toy as a Toy dog.
In the late 20th century, breeders began to cross poodles with other purebred dogs in what was called the “designer dog” fad; the goal was the incorporation into the offspring of the poodle’s intelligence and non-shedding coat. All sizes of poodles were crossed with other breeds, resulting in such mixed breeds as the Labradoodle (Labrador retriever + poodle), schnoodle (schnauzer + poodle), and Pekepoo (Pekingese + poodle). However, many poodle breeders deplored the trend and regretted the dilution of carefully managed bloodlines.
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